Last night, a new show premiered on the Lifetime channel (10 o'clock eastern!). Did I watch it? No, no I did not. But I did watch the commercial for it yesterday. At a conservative estimate, I watched it about 50 times. I am not sure who decided that the people who wanted to watch The Other Guys, Inception, and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in one sitting would be THE target audience for the show where Hewitt plays as a brothel prostitute who is also a mom (or something like that).
"WOOOW, somebody sure knows how to make their presents look pretty."
"99% of what we do here is legit."
"So you always buy your girls something special to wear?"
*guy staring at viewer through keyhole*
"There's some tension in my upper thigh area." ... "That seems to be going around."
It was on every single commercial break without fail. Geezus, that is some aggressive advertising. And I guess it was somewhat effective because I remember the title and almost every single detail of the advert. Normally, I would not give a damn and move on but clearly I do because I'm so bothered by it. I understand having it on the Movietime channel but Showcase? And considering what was showing at the time, they could have done a lot better. I can only assume it was on every single channel that exists in Canada but I really think it was a waste of money. It probably would have been more effective to pay more money for more ads on TLC or some similar channel but what do I know.